Friday, 29 April 2011

Club ENRO - Minutes of Meeting 4.29.11

(Environmental & Natural Resource Organization Club)
April 29th, 2010

I.                    Meeting Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Sharisse. The meeting began at 1:03 p.m. and ended at 2:15 p.m. * I apologize for hardly sending the previous Minutes of Meeting. Been occupied with work. However, I’m sending you it now. (ROB)

II.                 FALL 2011 Classes – An important note, a class is required to have a minimum of 10 students to keep the class from being cancelled. We want to get a projected number of students that may be taking NRM classes in the FALL. Here are the classes and the projected number of students that will take the class:

* Please note that classes’ time and days are TBA.

1)      Intro to NRM
·         Number of Students – (2)
2)      Environmental Conservation
·         Number of Students – (0)
3)      Species & Ecosystem Management
·         Number of Students – (2)
4)      NRM Seminar
·         Number of Students – (2)
5)      NRM Internship
·         Number of Students – (6)
6)      Special Topics in NRM
·         Number of Students – (3)

·        So if there are any other students that you know that need the classes, please let Dr. De Torres know or e-mail me, Jan and Sharisse to let us know. You need 10 students to prevent a class from being cancelled!!

III.               ENRO Garden – Our garden is slowly but surely getting there. We discussed in the meeting that there will be an effort to get the garden up and running on May 17, 2011. As proposed by Jess, we will do block gardening where there will be plots of crops or ornamental plants you would like to plant. Here’s a diagram of it.

* Proposed blueprint for ENRO Garden

  • Proposed things to bring (volunteered):
  • Jess – Ironwood for Orchards
  • 2X6 Lumber

  • If interested, we are launching this project for MAY 17, 2011 @ 9:00 A.M. at ENRO Garden. Please join in, and if you want to bring something feel free. However, don’t bring trees or seedlings that can grow into trees. 

IV.              High School Outreach – One good idea suggested by Sharisse was to do outreach efforts in educating High School students about NRM Program at NMC. It will be a good push to recruit new potential NRM majors. The target group is high school students. The following volunteered to ask the following high schools if we can at least present to Environmental Science classes to promote the NRM program:

·        Tom – Kagman High School
·        LeeRoy – Marianas High School; Saipan Southern High School

·        In addition, we might meet up with Mark Flores to find out how we can get at least some folders and various brochures to give out to the high schools to inform them more about the degree program and what Club ENRO does.

V.                 Internships – A big reminder to all interested students that will be an intern here on-island and off-island, please check Dr. De Torres to pick up your NRM Internship packet for your mentor or advisor to fill out in order to get credit for the NRM Internship course for FALL semester (even though you’re taking the internship in the Summer).

VI.             Electing New ENRO Officers – Well, Spring 2011 is coming to a close. We are trying to get more members to come to meetings so that we can vote for new officers. It is a difficult time now with Exams coming up in the following weeks ahead. Elections will be put on hold till FALL 11'

VII.         Club ENRO Photo w/ New Banner – Please come to the Club ENRO photo taking next Wednesday (5/04/2011) @ 9:00 a.m. We would like to have more members in the photo. We will let you know where on campus to meet up for the photo.

VIII.         Club ENRO Commercial – Put on hold till we can get some photos on things we’ve done, it wouldn’t hurt to promote our club by having a commercial. Sharisse pointed out that like UOG Green did a commercial on what they do by helping the environment, we should have one for Club ENRO. More will be discussed in FALL 2011.

- - - - - NEXT MEETING - - - - -
IX.                 Next Meeting
·        DATE: Friday, May 6th, 2011
·        TIME: 1:00 P.M.
·        VENUE: NMC; BLDG A, Room A-7

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