(Environmental & Natural Resource Organization Club)
May 6, 2010
Club ENRO Members Present:
- Jess Castro
- Charlie Leon Guerrero
- Tom Pangelinan
- Jan Michael Reyes
- Sharisse Rivera
- Robert Deleon Guerrero
- LeeRoy Sablan
- Jose Santiago
- Jonathan Kiyoshi
- Anthony Deleon Guerrero
- Dr. Alfredo De Torres (*)
- Dr. Hervin Jacinto (*)
- Florita Cabanes (*)
I. Meeting Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Sharisse, The meeting began at 1:10 p.m. and ended at 2:15 p.m.
II. High School Outreach – Tom got confirmation from Kagman High School for Club ENRO to do an outreach to their students. However, there are 3 periods from which we can choose to do the outreach. We agreed to conduct the outreach around (10:00 am – 11:15 am). Here are the details:
· DATE: May 19, 2011 (Thursday)
· SCHOOL: Kagman High School
· Proposed times:
· 8:30 am – 9:45 am
· 10:00 am – 11:15 am (Jan, Tom, Charlie, Leeroy, Jess)
· 11:25 am – 12:45 pm
· A power point will be prepared for the outreach.
* Here are some of the proposed items that will be brought to Kagman High School to be given to the Senior class:
- NRM Folder
- NRM Degree Program Brochure
- IDP (Individual Degree Plan) for NRM
- ENRO Member Registration
- NMC Enrollment Forms (Admission, etc.)
- Internship Information
* NOTICE: Keep in mind that there will be a rehearsal for the outreach on MAY 18, 2011 (Wednesday)
III. ENRO Garden (Updated) –We discussed at the meeting that there will still be an effort to get the garden up and running on May 17, 2011 (Tuesday). As proposed by Jess, we will do block gardening where there will be plots of crops or ornamental plants you would like to plant. Here’s a diagram of it.
- (UPDATED) We might have interviews with the members discussing about Club ENRO. Come by the ENRO Garden! Time will be from 9:00 am - ?
IV. Internships – A big reminder to all interested students that will be an intern here on-island and off-island, please check Dr. De Torres to pick up your NRM Internship packet for your mentor or advisor to fill out in order to get credit for the NRM Internship course for FALL semester (even though you’re taking the internship in the Summer). Here are the details:
- Internship Packet
- (Evaluation forms for your mentor to fill out and sign, please this is very important in order to get credit for NRM Internship!!)
- PowerPoint Presentation
- (Prepare a presentation to bring back after your internship is done.)
V. Club ENRO Photo w/ New Banner – Thank you all for taking the time to show up to take a group photo!! Let’s promote Club ENRO and create a legacy that will last. We appreciate it!! Job well done!!
VI. Graduating Students – Fellow ENRO members, let’s congratulate Jan Reyes on his upcoming Graduation this May! He’ll be the first NRM graduate in a long time. CONGRATS JAN!!
· In addition, for those who are potential graduates next SPRING semester, please notify me, Jan and Sharisse on the classes you might need to take in FALL! You need 10 students to prevent cancellation of a class!!
VII. Other Opportunities – Dr. De Torres mentioned that for those thinking of pursuing a B.A. in Natural Resource Management or a related field, there are online degrees being offered for those interested. Here are the details:
· Oregon State University?? (Not sure on what institution.)
o Flat-rate fee.
o No out of state fees.
o Online courses offered.
VIII. ENRO CLUB SHIRT - We would like to thank Jan and Sharisse for all their hard work done on the banner and shirts. As for the shirts, please give it some time to get the P.O. processed (takes 10 days), and an additional week and some days for the shirts to be done. I took down the sizes and names for the members.
* I can't upload it to the blog-spot so I have to send it to your e-mails. I'll try and figure out a way to post it on the blog. Sorry!
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* No meeting has been planned yet due to Finals Week coming up.
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